Hi! I'm Marisela Guillen, a Latinx multidisciplinary designer with a focus on motion design, based in Denver, CO. I'm currently studying to obtain my BFA in Digital Design at the University of Colorado Denver and will leave school in May of 2021.
What makes you qualified to host this podcast?
The simple answer here is that I am not. Yes, I am a digital designer. Yes, I am a creator. Yes, my family and I spent a lot of money on art college. Although, I can speak to my experience and my experience alone in the design and art world. I still have so many questions about the art world. To fill in the gaps in my knowledge, I will be speaking with creative experts on the podcast as much as possible. Ultimately, with this podcast, I want to find answers to my questions about the design and art field to prep for my life as a digital designer. Hopefully, I can help answer some of your questions too!
Let's figure this out together! :)